Chromatography Lab Equipment - Touchscreen UI, Tablet & Mobile Design
Created an intuitive touchscreen & mobile experience for this device. This helped the lab workers monitor their work more efficiently and gave them the ability to make adjustments faster and more accurately.
UX Strategist
Foundational Knowledge
Usability Evaluation
Interaction Design
Paper & Pencil
Create a touchscreen experience to replace the front panel buttons and display on the chromatography lab equipment. Allow the user access to the equipment using a mobile device or tablet.
This is the first step to creating a compelling UI. It is essential to understand what the product offers, it’s roadmap, business drivers, competition, and users. Services provided for this project included: Heuristic Analysis, Stakeholder Interviews, User Research, Observations, User Interviews & Competitive Analysis.
Observed key tasks and scenarios:
GC instrument front panel interaction
GC data system software use
One-on-one discussions with:
Lab analysts
Analytical chemists
Lab technicians
Technical specialists
Technical managers
Lab managers
Topics discussed with participants
Overall satisfaction
GC front panel use
Candid feedback on data system software
Creating and editing methods
Configuring instruments
Creating sequences
GC runs
Data analysis
Touchscreen and iPad uses in the lab
Different versions of software are inconsistent and frustrating
Configuration mismatches between software and instrument
Insufficient feedback for errors (split valve stuck, tray not compatible)
Software learning curve is too high (too many options, not sure what some settings do)
Software layout is not intuitive (users could not find some features)
Critical information is not being displayed during experiments
Data analysis can be improved
Changing the layout and manipulating data on reports is difficult
Would like the option to preview a report before running it
Need an easier way to compare two chromatograms
Would like the ability to add notes/annotations to a chromatogram “word and paint is used”
Based on a products needs and a defined set of experience priorities, concepts are developed around task flow, navigation, and screen layout. The concepts cover the primary use cases so that we can see how the system will behave at a macro level. Services provided for this project included: creating a Mind Map of all features, creating a Feature Matrix to compare functionality between the equipment touchscreen, tablet, and mobile device and multiple rounds of Concept Wireframes.
Make the lab equipment UI more helpful in the overall process
Not just about configuration methods and running samples, but contributing toward solving problems
Reduce and simplify workflow steps
Eliminate fighting among users, instrument, software, and stored methods
Appear “aware” of other instruments, configurations (master database), and upstream/downstream data systems
Smartly detect deviations from known standards, provide notifications
Reduce the need for outside software when running experiments
Leverage touchscreen interaction to navigate system and design methods
Enable “quick” method creation for easier tests
Allow access to almost all features of the desktop software, directly on the instrument
Create visual experience for diagnostics and maintenance on unit (schematic view, etc.)
PC software should be used for highly complex methods and configuration management
Re-define the experiment run time experience
Broader reach, not necessarily at the instrument
Enable simple adjustments to methods with a few clicks (for most-common adjustments)
Provide more visibility into worklist (processing, sequencing, overall run progress)
Allow user to interact with chromatogram in result preview, save results, & make live adjustments to method
Ensure highly visible status (mood lights from across the room)
Use mobile notification for status, alerts, proactive notices of availability, & maintenance windows
FEATURE MATRIX (Comparing Current Desktop Software to Future Touchscreen & Tablet Features)
Equipment Touchscreen - View Status
Equipment Touchscreen - Select Method
Equipment Touchscreen - Edit Method
Tablet - View Status
Tablet - Select Method
Mobile - View Status
Having users validate the product while in the design stage will help vet any key decisions made before effort is spent on the final designs. From informal feedback sessions with customers and stakeholders, to formal testing across wide demographics , we can identify sources of confusion, measure task times and judge how users respond to layout and navigation. Services provided for this project included: sharing the concepts in User Feedback Sessions.
One-on-one discussions with:
Lab analysts
Analytic chemists
Lab technicians
Technical managers
Lab managers
Topics discussed:
Workflows using different form factors (GC touch screen, tablet, smart phone, & desktop web browser)
GC & run status
Method selection, grouping, & editing
Sequence editing
Visual design preferences
Provide a single platform with a unified user experience and centralized data. ChemStation, OpenLab, new UIs have to feel as one.
Definitely include touchscreen for GC(only one user showed preference for “classic” button controls)
Provide a connected phone app with notifications
Provide a native or web-based app for tablet use
Enhance desktop software - Provide full functionality with same user experience as GC touch screen. Must have data analysis.
This stage is where the concepts become reality. While adhering to technical restraints, ISO and industry-specific guidelines an experience is crafted which is both usable and complaint. All features and functionality will be documented in detailed wireframes that help ease the transition from product definition to development. Services provided for this project included: Detailed Design Wireframes
Touchscreen - Wireframe Samples
Tablet Wireframe Sample
Mobile Wireframe Sample